Contact Us

Bro Josh & Sis Cathy Pell

Administrator, Jackson County District Coordinator

Bro Charlie & Sis Shelley Trotman

Principal, Dekalb County District Coordinator


Brother Charlie Trotman


Brother Josh Pell

Board Members

Brother Charlie & Sister Shelley Trotman

Brother Josh & Sister Cathy Pell

Brother Jason & Rebecca Smithey 

District Coordinators

Dekalb County - Sister Shelley Trotman

Jackson County - Sister Cathy Pell

Madison & Marshall County - Sister Rebecca Smithey

Curriculum Advisor

Sister Shelley Trotman   

Dual Enrollment Advisors

Field Trip Coordinator


Beta Club Sponsor 

Official School Contact

P.O. Box 249, Scottsboro, AL 35768


Who to Contact

Please note that the district coordinators may take up to 48 hours (business days) to return your email. We are here to serve registered families, but we all homeschool our children as well, and may not be available to immediately answer your questions.


You may call or text the school number if you would rather communicate via phone. Please be sure to leave a message with your name, your child's name that you are calling about, and which county you live in so that the correct district coordinator can return your call or text. 


If you need a Driver's License/Permit form, please contact your County's District Coordinator. You will need to contact them 1-2 weeks before you will need the form. 


Any county specific questions that you might have should be directed to your district coordinator. If you do not fall under one of the counties listed, you will be assigned to a specific coordinator.


   Dual Enrollment questions should be directed to: NEEDS TO BE FILLED 


Curriculum questions should be directed to Sis Shelley Trotman, but please reference our curriculum page first to see if your question can be answered with the information posted there.


If you need information about a field trip or park day that is not listed on the PDF files on the Events page, please message the Field Trip or Park Day Coordinators.


For information on Beta Club or Co-op Classes, please check the respective pages before you send an inquiry.


If you have an issue to report that you feel warrants immediate attention from the board, feel free to contact any of the board members. We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.


If you need further information than is provided on the Yearbook page, please contact Sis Deanna Manley 

Retired Board Members 

Bro Dustin & Sis Tonya Paradise